Fares & Tickets

All rides are free until further notice.
Yep – FREE! Come ride the bus!
Transfers – If transferring from local route to regional, or from regional to local route you may do so at no cost. You can ride the Gold Route to Safeway in Chino Valley and make a NO COST transfer to the Green, Red or Blue route. When you return on the Green, Red or Blue Route, you can transfer to the Gold Route at Safeway at NO COST to return home.
Lost and Found – Any items left on the YRT vehicles will be turned into the office at the end of the day. Please contact the Dispatcher at 928-636-3602 who will check for you. Lost items can be picked up at the YRT office at 389 W. Rd 2 South, B-1, behind the Maverick station between 8-12, Monday through Friday.
Veterans Ride Free – All U.S. military veterans will enjoy free rides on any of Yavapai Regional Transit’s buses. Any route. Any day. Veterans may be required to show the YRT Driver a state issued drivers license or ID Card that has the Veteran designation. Get the details.